
Registration Help

To register to attend World Sleep 2022, you must FIRST log in or create an account.


Not sure if you have an account already?

Verify whether your account already exists in our system using this webpage in our registration portal.

Need to create an account?

1. Enter into this form the email address that you wish to use: Verify Registration Status

2. You will be brought to the next page automatically if you do not already have an account with us. Enter your information into this form (pictured below).

NOTE: Form continues below this point pictured. Ensure that you enter all required information.


3. Once your information is entered, click the “Create Account” button (pictured below).




4. Your account is created. Proceed to the login page and enter your information to log into the registration portal.


Already have an account?


1. Log into the registration portal through this webpage.

2. Click the OPEN ONLINE STORE link.

3. Click on the link for World Sleep Rome, March 11 – 16, 2022



4. Select your registration type and then click “Next.” Note: Registration type will appear on your conference badge. 



5. Proceed through the Event Registration Wizard steps.



Email us at [email protected] if you encounter an issue during registration or have any questions.